19 Ways To Regulate Your Period Cycle

19 Ways To Regulate Your Period Cycle

At Mira Health, we work endlessly to help you with women’s health. Mira, in Sanskrit, means ocean. We want you to have an ocean or wealth of fertility and choices.

Below are some tips that may help you to regulate your cycle on your fertility journey. You can try a few of the below tips for a couple of weeks to months at a time to see results. From acupressure points to dietary additions, Mira Health has provided ways for you to support a regular cycle. Work with your doctor along with the below suggestions. 


Ear Acupressure

Learn from our acupuncturist Anita Tadavarthy MAcOM LAc how ear acupressure can regulate you period. Patients have experienced a regular cycle within a few months of daily ear acupressure. 

Our acupuncturist has provided an irregular periods and PCOS Youtube series to help you start your journey into ear acupressure. For the best results, Mira Health recommends the use of disposable acupressure ear press seeds, which two choices are shown below. 

Youtube series

Disposable Acupressure Ear Press Seeds


Dragon Acupressure Ear Seeds  


Ginger Tea

Consider Turmeric Ginger Tea, Ginger Peach Tea, and/or Ginger Extract, daily or a few times a week to regulate your cycle. Patients can see results within a few weeks to months with drinking these teas and taking these supplements.

Ginger is warming and can regulate blood flow and the menstrual cycle. You can boil an inch of ginger in a cup of water and drink after every meal or you can take this supplement.

Most patients report regulating their cycle within a few weeks to a few months. No need to all that is recommended below. Consider a few of the below daily, along with the recommendations of your doctor.


Turmeric Ginger Tea


Ginger Root Dietary Supplement


Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon can regulate insulin levels, thus having a positive effect on hormones and menses. Cinnamon can regulate the menstrual cycle for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), who have high insulin levels. You can take this supplement or drink a few cups of cinnamon tea daily till you get three regular consistent cycles. Consider the product below along with doctors recommendations. 

Cinnamon Dietary Supplement 



Research shows licorice root can also help to regulate a menstrual cycle by balancing irregular ovarian follicles and decreasing ovarian cysts. Consider taking this extract as recommended till you get three regular cycles.

Licorice Root Herbal Supplement



Turmeric is an emmengagogue, bringing blood flow to the uterus and pelvic region. Turmeric also has an antispasmodic effect on the body, thus stimulating spasms to the uterus causing menstruation. Below are suggested products to help support a balanced period cycle.

Learn from our acupuncturist Anita Tadavarthy MAcOM LAc how turmeric can regulate you period. Most patients report experiencing a regular cycle after a few weeks to a couple of months of drinking this relaxing turmeric tea daily or a few times a week. Below is from the irregular period and PCOS Youtube series by our acupuncturist.

Turmeric Period Cycle Video

Turmeric and Ginger Dietary Supplement

Turmeric and Curcumin Dietary Supplement

Ginger Syrup 



Pineapple contains bromelain. Bromelain helps to shed the uterus lining, thus causing a period.  Consider eating a pineapple or taking this supplement till you get three regular cycles. Learn from our acupuncturist Anita Tadavarthy MAcOM LAc about how pineapple and bromelain can regulate your period. The video below is from the irregular periods and PCOS Youtube series.

Pineapple Cycle Regulation Video

Bromelain Dietary Supplement



Eating beetroots or drinking beet juice can induce menstruation by increasing blood flow to the uterus. You can combine the beet root with ginger and/or turmeric to regulate your cycle. You can drink this daily to a few times a week till you get three regular cycles.

SuperBeets Natural Supplement



Parsley is an emmenagogue, bringing blood flow to the uterus and pelvic region. By increasing menstrual flow; softening the cervix and balancing hormones, parsley can regulate a period. You can add parsley to your meals, drink parsley tea or take this supplement till you get three cycles.

Parsley Dietary Supplement


Aloe Vera

Aloe vera can regulate menses by balancing hormones and increasing uterine contractions. You can mix aloe vera juice into your other drinks or smoothies daily or for a couple of weeks till you get three consistent cycles.

Aloe Vera Drink


White Peony

White Peony (Paeonia Lactiflora) can regulate a cycle by increasing low progesterone; reducing high testosterone and regulating estrogen and prolactin. Drink this tea a couple times a week until you get three consistent cycles. 

White Peony White Tea


Black Cohosh

Black cohosh can regulate the menstrual cycle by toning the uterus and stimulating shedding of the uterine lining. You can take this supplement as directed till you get three regular cycles.

Black Cohosh Root Dietary Supplement


Black Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds can induce a period by generating heat in the body, causing bleeding. Sesame seeds can be eaten daily around 15 days before your period date to induce a period. Consider this approach till you get three regular cycles.

Black Sesame Seeds


Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, zinc, folic acid, and selenium, which can improve fertility and regulate a period by regulating hormone levels, especially progesterone. Consider snacking on a handful of seeds daily till you get three regular cycles.

Original Sunflower Seeds


Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds can induce a period by balancing hormone levels and promoting ovulation. Consider eating a handful of seeds after each meal till you get three regular cycles.

Organic Fennel Seeds


Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds can improve estrogen levels by preventing excess estrogen, in turn regulating a menstrual cycle. Pumpkin seeds can also increase fertility. Snack on a handful daily till you get three regular cycles.

Organic Pumpkin Seeds



Flax seeds can improve fertility and boost conception, by regulating ovulation and menses. Mira Health suggests you incorporate flaxseed into your smoothies, yogurt and/or salads daily till you get three regular cycles.

Ground Flaxseed


Castor Oil

Castor oil is an emmenagogue, thus stimulating menstrual flow by bringing blood flow to the uterus and pelvic region. Use the below castor oil pack topically with the castor oil weekly till you get three regular cycles.

Organic Castor Oil

Castor Oil Pack 


Folic Acid

Folic acid has been shown to boost fertility and conception by regulating ovulation and menses. Use this supplement as directed till you get three regular cycles.

Folic Acid Vitamin Supplement



This information is for educational purposes only and not as a substitute for qualified medical or psychological intervention or assistance.  All content provided by Mira Health and Empirical Grace (Anita Tadavarthy MAcOM, LAc) is intended for informational or educational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to cure, diagnose or prevent any medical, emotional or physical condition or illness, nor replace any medical treatment or health related advice from a GP or appropriate professional. Anita Tadavarthy MAcOM, LAc accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any injury, loss or damage in any shape or form incurred in part or in whole, as a direct or indirect result of use or reliance upon the information and material presented here. #ad #sponsored
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